

Rabu, 16 November 2011



Pronouns is the word that used instead of nouns

1.      Personal Pronouns

A personal pronouns is a word that stands the person who is speaking , spoken or spoken of
            Ex : - I’m going to the store
                   - we are study English
                   - he read a newspaper
                   - she is buy a car
                   - they are going to school

2.      Reflexive Pronouns

A reflexive pronouns is a combination of self with one of the  personal pronouns.
Ex : - He sent letter to himself
       -  He give money to myself
       -  Body love herself
       -  They hurt them self
       -  I love myself

3.      Interrogative Pronouns

An interrogative pronouns is a word which used to introduce or indirect question
Ex : - Who went to the college?
       - What are you doing?
       - What doesn’t mean?
       - Which Maria do you mean teacher
       - Why do you like me?

4.      Demonstrative Pronouns

A demonstrative pronoun is a word that point out some nouns which come before .
Ex : - This is my father
       - That is my sister
       - He is my friend
       - They are my friends
      - This is her pen

5.      Idenfinitive Pronouns

An idenfinitive pronouns  is pronouns to idenfinitive (usually unknown) or things idenfinitive quantities
Ex : - All are welcome
       - I don’t want any
       - None of my friends go to Africa
       - Nothing in life is free
       - Nobody come to the luncheon

6.      Relative Pronoun

A relative pronouns is word which used to connect two sentences
Ex : - I like the student who is religious
       - The  man whom you meet is my lecturer
       - Something that 1 don’t like is to we
       - I know someone who owns a very expensive ear
       - Mr. Jhonson is the man whom I sent my application to



Pronouns are words that take the place of nouns, they substitute for nouns to make speech and writing less cumbersome by using a single word ( the pronouns ) to represent much longer passage and ideas. However, student should made aware that it is easy to over use pronouns, especially if a passage ( written or spoken ) refers to more than one person of some gender.

A.     The Kinds Of  Pronouns

  1. Personal Pronouns

Personal pronouns is a word that stands for the person is speaking or spoen of









a.       Subjective  Pronouns

Subjective pronoun are those that the subject of sentences.
The subject pronoun are :


Ex :    
1)      I live in Bangkok
2)      You are  the winner
3)      He shouldn’t have done that
4)      It is not an apple
5)      They come here by boat
6)      He writes the letter
7)      We love god
8)      I study English speaking
9)      Jhon read a book
10)  We are student at the university
11)  You two should not have come
12)   She helps a brother
13)   You like them very much
14)   They passed the examination
15)   She can not go to the dance
16)   My teacher buy a new car
17)   She forgot her homework this mon
18)   Mary is going to class with me
19)   He is a teacher
20)   I am a farmer
21)   It is a cat
22)   Her uncle come to Bali
23)   My brother go to office everyday
24)   We are go to library
25)   She is a secretary

b.      Objective Pronouns

Objective pronoun are those that are  object in a sentences
The objective pronouns are :


Ex : 
1)      She loves me
2)      The give him a new book
3)      Give the book to me
4)      I just don’t get it
5)      He told us a story
6)      Boby got the tickets from them
7)      I can’t give it to either one of you
8)      When did us smith sell the ear to her
9)      Is if you
10)   I thought  it was she who did it
11)   She loves him
12)   What did the get from you
13)   Why did he give the money to him
14)   They called us on the telephone
15)   Mary is going to class with me
16)   Jhon told her a story
17)   The policeman was looking for him
18)   To us it seem like a good bargain
19)   The teacher gave him a bad grade
20)   Who is it? It’s me

c.       Possessive Adjective

         Possessive adjective is similar to possessive pronouns and the confused with possessive pronouns. The differences is the is the that possessive adjectives immediately precedes the noun and modifies it in order to show possession the possessive adjectives are :

Ex : 
1)      Will give me my money
2)      Those are his parents
3)      Isn’t that your like on the sidewalk
4)      It’s shape it rectangular
5)      I’m sorry I have forgotten your names
6)      It is my book
7)      They brought their children to the office party
8)      That is my book
9)      He will married her
10)  She is love her
11)  The boy broke his arm yesterday
12)  My food is cold
13)  Do we have to bring our permission slip
14)  You know you can not borrow her dress
15)  This is not my book
16)  That is his book
17)  He is my friends
18)  This is it’s tail
19)  She is your mother
20)  This is her pen.

d.      Possessive pronouns
Possessive pronouns is a word that is used to show the possession or word that indicate ownership the possessive pronoun are :

Example :
1.      That book is mine
2.      Is this pencil yours
3.      Don’t touch that it’s his
4.      Those shoes are hers
5.      That dictionary is his
6.      The house of hers is very big
7.      Ours are heavy
8.      Your is the same his
9.      The food of ours is very delicious
10.  Theirs are the one on the table
11.  A computer can store vast amounts of information it’s memory
12.  The doughnuts are ours
13.  That temple is not ours but theirs
14.  Excuse me, those seats are yours, not these
15.  I forgot my homework, i forgot mine
16.  This my book, this is mine
17.  Theirs are too small
18.  That is his book
19.  Hers is green and mine is red
20.  Yours is the same his

2.      Reflexive Pronouns
Reflexive pronouns is indicate that the subject receives the action of the verb. If reflexive pronouns is omitted, the sentences will not make sense.
The using of reflexive pronouns
The most common use of the reflexive pronouns is an object that reflects back to the subject.
The reflexive pronouns are :

Example :
1.      I shot myself in the foot
2.      Kim poured herself another glass of wine
3.      Did you hit yourself in the head
4.      Help yourselves to any thing on the trouble
5.      I washed myself
6.      He sent the letter to himself
7.      She served herself in the cafeteria
8.      They were walking among themselves
9.      We hurt ourselves playing football
10.  A new born monkey can not survive by itself
11.  You yourselves break the house
12.  The books themselves fall from the table
13.  The book itself falls to the ground
14.  Boby love herself
15.  I love myself
16.  You love yourself
17.  Jhon loves himself
18.  We ourselves found this building
19.  The old man was talking loudly to himself
20.  The hostess said we could help ourselves

Reflexive pronouns can also be used for emphasis. This mean that the subject did the action alone, in the case, it normally follow the subject.
                        Example :
1.      I myself believe that the proposal is good
2.      He himself sit out to break the long distance flying record
3.      She herself prepared to nine course meal
4.      The student themselves decorated the room
5.      John himself bought these gifts
6.      Your yourself must do this home work
7.      She herself was not as concerned as others were about the problem
8.      The players themselves decided to end the game
9.      The trapped animal wiggled itself out of the snare
10.  We ourselves are not responsible for the actions of others.

3.      Interrogative Pronouns
An interrogative pronoun is a word which is used to introduce direct or indirect question. The interrogative pronouns include :
    1. Who, which is used for asking person

Example :
1.      How went to the college ?
2.      Who gave you this book?
3.      Who pencil, are these?
4.      Who bag is that ?
5.      Who is that girl?
6.      Whose car is that ?
7.      For whom does she make the dress?
8.      Whose shoes are these ?
9.      Whom did you phone?
10.  Who is your friend?

    1. What which is used for asking things
Example :
1.      What are you doing ?
2.      What is your name ?
3.      What time does the game start?
4.      What is this name ?
5.      What do you mean?
6.      What is this?
7.      What are those?
8.      What your parents?
9.      What book do you read ?
10.  What tree is that ?

    1. Which that is used for asking a choice either person or things
Example :
1.      Which do you prefer the apple?
2.      Which of those girl will win the prize?
3.      Which is your car ?
4.      Which Maulana do you mean teacher?
5.      Which animal can fly, bird or cow?
6.      Which subject is easier, history or English
7.      Which one is red, flower or a leaf?
8.      Which one is father, a plane or a train?
9.      Which book do you read, about animal or history?
10.  Which one is your books this one ore that one?

    1. How which is used for asking way or many quantitative
Example :
1.      How do you go to school ?
2.      How a long time ?
3.      How many kind sentences types ?
4.      How many student ?
5.      How tall is your father ?
6.      How long is that rope ?
7.      How fast does the bus travel ?
8.      How soon are you going to come ?
9.      How deep is Kali Mas ?
10.  How deep your love to me?

    1. Why which is used for asking cause
Example :
1.      Why do you look so sad ?
2.      Why do you like it ?
3.      Why do you like with cat ?
4.      Why do you believe to her ?
5.      Why does he go ?
6.      Why does he choice is her ?
7.      Why you like me ?
8.      Why doesn’t he go to Bali ?
9.      Why do you like eat a pizza ?
10.  Why do you tell me about this ?

    1. Where which is used for asking place
Example :
1.      Where do you live ?
2.      Where are you going ?
3.      Where do you come from ?
4.      Where does Amir go ?
5.      Where are your parents ?
6.      Where do you school ?
7.      Where does he live ?
8.      Where are your sister ?
9.      Where are you, Toni ?
10.  Where does her come from ?

    1. When is used for asking time
Example :
1.      When you go to Bali ?
2.      When you back to Medan ?
3.      When you have a cat ?
4.      When her get married ?
5.      When you holiday ?
6.      When your brother buy a new car ?
7.      When you like to her ?
8.      When you like him ?
9.      When your mother arrive in here ?
10.  When they travel to Jakarta?

4.      Demonstrative Pronouns
Demonstrative pronoun is a word that point out some nouns which come before. Demonstrative pronoun are this, that, and those. The most common demonstrative pronoun is this (plural these) and they refer to what is near at head and that (plural those) generally refers to what is father away.
Example :
1.      This is my brother and these is my father
2.      That is my sister and those are my friends
3.      What is this ? That is a robot
4.      Do you like these ? No, I  prefer those
5.      They are many boys near the school, some are reading their books and some others are playing.
6.      Your coal is blue, mine is a white one
7.      Those are our books
8.      That is my book
9.      I want those pencil
10.  Does this belong to you ?
11.  Such was not my intention
12.  Those ones are yours
13.  Those are your books
14.  That is my book
15.  What is that
16.  This book is good
17.  May I have these apples ?
18.  She never wanted that car
19.  I want this CD
20.  Jamal and Jamil go to Malaysia the former is my friend and the later is my teacher.

5.      Indenfinitive Pronouns
Indenfinitive pronoun is noun substitute that are not specific (definite) in meaning.
The indenfinitive pronoun is either singular or plural and also indenfinitive quantities.
    1. Singular indentifinite  pronouns
1.      Anybody/ anyone is no matter what person
Example :
1.      Has anybody seem my book ?
2.      Anyone can come to the party ?
3.      Anyone can do it ?
4.      Anybody can belong to the club?
5.      I didn’t see anyone in the room !

2.      Anything is no matter what ting
Example :
1.      Did you buy anything for me ?
2.      Can I bring anything ?
3.      Do we have anything to eat ?
4.      You can bay anything in the shop ?
5.      What would you like to drink ? tea or coffee ? anything will do!
3.      Everything is all things
Example :
1.      I can’t do everything
2.      May be everything is okay
3.      They parent have everything
4.      She’s has very luck girl she has everything. Beauty, money, nice house, luxurious cars and jewelry.

4.      Everybody / everyone is all people
Example :
1.      Everybody should wear warm clothes
2.      Everybody should have a job
3.      Everyone can give a name
4.      Everyone should remain seated during the presentation
5.      Everyone I know has gone

5.      Somebody / someone is an unspecified or unknown person
Example :
1.      Somebody should do something
2.      Someone told me about it
3.      Somebody is knocking at the door
4.      Someone call you
5.      There is somebody in that room

6.      Something is an unspecified or unknown thing
Example :
1.      Something should be done about his
2.      Something is better that nothing
3.      I need something to drink
4.      There are something wrong with your motor
5.      She is give me something

7.      Nobody / no one is no person
Example :
1.      Nobody came to the Lucheon
2.      No one said I couldn’t eat it
3.      Nobody is perfect
4.      No one wishes me a happy birthday

8.      Other is a different person or thing from one already mentioned
Example :
1.      One car was red and the other was blue
2.      Other people, not us
3.      I’m sure that others have tried before us
4.      One student come late and other has arrive
5.      I like eat cake and other like mie

9.      Nothing is no single thing, not anything
Example :
1.      Nothing in life is free
2.      Nothing’s going to change my love for you
3.      There is nothing we can discuss
4.      From nothing come one should take care of one’s health
5.      Nothing that know it

10.  Each is every one of two or more people or things seen separately
Example :
1.      Each employed has to submit to drug test
2.      Each of them has a map and a compass
3.      Each people will give money by government
4.      Each somebody must have knowledge
5.      In the school each student must have discipline
    1. Plural Indenfinite Pronouns
1.      Both is two people or thing, seen together
Example :
1.      The two candles were red and blue, but both were scented
2.      The two is people have different but both is eat rice

2.      Few is a small number of people or things
Example :
1.      Only a few of the student knew the answer
2.      Few students can speak English fluently
3.      I have a few books to read
4.      A few students speak English perfectly
5.      Few people realize the importance of solar energy

3.      Many is a large number of people or things
Example :
1.      Many of the parents had question
2.      Many of those students were found to use drugs
3.      I don’t have many cars
4.      Do you have many cats
5.      John doesn’t want to have many children

    1. Singular or plural indenfinite pronoun
1.      all is the whole quantity of something or of some things or people
Example :
1.      There are four sport cars on the track and all are fast
2.      All are agreed
3.      All want is nice house with a swimming pool
4.      All are welcome
5.      All is forgiven

2.      Any is not matter how much or how many
Example :
1.      Is any left
2.      I don’t want any
3.      Do any of you know
4.      Is there any sugar left
5.      There aren’t any student in the classroom

3.      More is a greater quantity of something; a greater number of people or things
Example :
1.      Is there more on the table
2.      More are taking the bus than ever before
3.      More are building the room than big before

4.      Most is the majority, nearly all
Example :
1.      Most is lost
2.      Most have refused
3.      Most of the student are diligent
4.      Most of the petrol is finished
5.      Most of the pilgrims have came back

5.      No one is not any, no person or persons
Example :
1.      I got some letters last mount, but I get none this mount
2.      None of my lost book were found
3.      None call tell
4.      None of my children can make it
5.      They fixed the water, so why is none coming out of the tap
6.      Some is the use for countable noun and uncountable noun is the positive sentences.
Example :
1.      Lisda has some beautiful cats
2.      Some think so
3.      Some of those apples are bad
4.      My father needs some sugar
5.      Pour some water into the bottle, please

6.      Relative Pronouns
Relative pronouns is a word which is used to connect two sentences, or are used to connect or relate a dependent (subordinate) clause to an independent clause. Relative pronoun are found the relative pronouns are :
    1. Who the using for person or as subject in subordinate clause.
Example :
1.      The girl who always plays in front my house is very beautiful
2.      The lady who lives not far from here likes helping the poor
3.      The man who was here yesterday has gone to Manila
4.      I like the student who is religious
5.      A teacher who clever is very like by students

    1. Whom the use by person or object in subordinate clause
Example :
1.      The girl whom I love very much is very pretty
2.      The man whom you meet is my lecture
3.      The man whom handsome is my friend
4.      The man whom I admire is Mr.Deddy
5.      Mr. Jhonson is the man whom I sent my application to.

    1. Which is the use for thing, as subject although object in subordinate clause
Example :
1.      I am reading a book which a bought
2.      This is the fish which I fished last night
3.      Dexter’s answer on the test which I copied were wrong
4.      The ground which we dig will be a fine drop
5.      The book is which I brought yesterday is biology

    1. What is the use for antecedent of pronouns
Example :
1.      The criminal got what he deserved a twenty year sentence
2.      I cannot tell you now what his happened
3.      I don’t understand what do you mean
4.      The lesson what explained by professor is very interested
5.      The girl what boyfriend it is my family

    1. Whose is the used for person and the function as her / his
Example :
1.      The salesman, whose name I forgot, gave sally a great deal
2.      Jack whose father is a marketing manager in my company is a good basket ball player.
3.      The man whose wife did yesterday is my uncle
4.      Angin Ribut whose employees are very skillful is a big company
5.      That is a girl whose brother lives in London

    1. That is the use for person, thing, or animal as subject and object in subordinate clause.
Example :
1.      That is the bird that which he caught yesterday
2.      The man that whom we were looking for has come
3.      Something that I don’t like is to lie
4.      The boy that you hate is really annoying
5.      The limo that I took to the concert broke down.

Izzan, Ahmad, 2008 Basic English Grammar. Jakarta Indonesia
Darsono, Hendo, 2003 Praktis English Grammar.  Indonesiatera
Krohn, Robert, 1971 English Sentence Strecture.  Michigan the University
Afirin, Syamsul, 1998 English Clever.  Gita media press


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